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tamoadmin 2024-08-02






Beijing Olympic Missioner 北京奥运大使










the emblem of the 2008 Olympic is devided into three parts.the bright colour represent the enthusiastic atmosphere of Chinese culture.You can basically see a Chinese word"jing"in it,which means the city Beijing.It is like a running person greeting the uncoming victory.The person perfectly shows the spirit of the Olympic.And the shape of it also looks like another Chinese word"wen",which shows the long history and rich culcure of China.we can feel the china calligraphy from here.under the word,there'are five circles and "beijing2008".the emblem perfectly connect the chinese traditional culture and the mordern olympic spirit.


Colourful Olympic Games five rings signs , the continent representing five respectively,\x0d\blue is Europe , \x0d\black is Africa , \x0d\red is America , \x0d\the yellow is Asia , \x0d\green is Australia.


The intention buckles the heart shape, symbolizes the volunteer and the athlete, the Olympics big family and all guest heart Lian Zhuoxin, serves, the offer compassion attentively, for the Olympics movement addition brilliance. wes cheerfully the human form, has unfolded the volunteer, offers for the hy wish spirit. Volunteer's sincere smiling face, the splendid service, the friendly behior will arouse each Olympic Games participant's mind sympathetic chord. the Beijing in 2008 the Olympic Games volunteer symbolized the design, has utilized China unique traditional culture form - - China calligraphy and painting artistic style, with Beijing Olympic Games conference symbol “Chinese India? Wes Beijing” complements mutually.


吉祥物 mascot


残奥会:the Special Olympic Games

会歌 The Olympics Theme song

会徽 Olympic Emblem

The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the worlds athletes at the Olympic Games.

The plain white background of the Olympic flag is symbolic of peace throughout the games .

The five colours of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top with yellow and green along the bottom , these colours may be found on most flags of the world and officially hold no other particular significance , although some believe each colour represents a particular continent.

According to most accounts, the rings were adopted by Baron Pierre de Coubertin (founder of the modern Olympic Movement) in 1913 after he saw a similar design on an artifact from ancient Greece. The five rings represent the five major regions of the world: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. Every national flag in the world includes at least one of the five colors, which are (from left to right) blue, yellow, black, green, and red. It is important to emphasize that Pierre de Coubertin never said nor wrote that the colors of the rings were linked with the different continents

The Olympic Flag made its debut at the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium. At the end of each Olympic Games, the mayor of that host-city presents the flag to the mayor of the next host-city. It then rests at the town hall of the next host-city for four years until the Opening Ceremony of their Olympic Games.