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tamoadmin 2024-09-07









歌名:Hand in Hand 手拉手

词:[美] 汤姆·惠特洛克

曲:[意] 吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder)







现场版 ://.56/u16/v_MjQyOTMxMDk.html

1988年汉城奥运会主题曲《 Hand In Hand 手拉手 》韩国官方原版MTV


hand in hand 下载链接 ://hljdb/002.mp3


see the fire in the sky

we feel the beating of our hearts together

this is our time to rise above

we know the chance is here to live forever

for all time

hand in hand we stand

all across the land

we can make this world a better place in which to live

hand in hand we can

start to undrestand

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

a li la

everytime we give it all

we feel the flame eternally inside us

lift our hands up to the sky

the morning calm helps us to live in harmony

for all time

hand in hand

breaking down the walls between us


see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰

we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动

this our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起

we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里

for all time 永远

hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手

all across the land 穿越五大洲

we can make this world a better place in which to live


hand in hand we can 我们心连心

start to undrestand 开始懂得了

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time


everytime we give it all 每次我们的给予

we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰

lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手

the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽

for all time 永远


年洛杉矶奥运会歌曲-Reach out(欢乐通宵)

词曲:[美]约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams)

演唱:[美]莱昂纳尔·里奇(Lionel Richie)


Reach out

reach out for the medal

Reach out

reach out for the gold.

Come play to win

never give in

The time is right for you to come and make your stand.

Reach out

reach out

You now hold the future in your hand

You he come from everywhere across the land.

The stars are shining bright

make it yours tonight

You know every wish you he’s at your command.

Reach out

reach out for the medal

Reach out

reach out for the gold.

Come play to win

never give in

The time is right for you to come and make your stand.

Reach out

reach out.

Now’s the time to take hold of your dream

You are standing on the edge of history.

So let the games begin

may the best man win

Give your all for all the world to see.

Reach out

reach out for the medal

Reach out

reach out for the gold.

Come play to win

never give in

The time is right for you to come and make your stand.

Reach out

reach out for the medal

reach out

reach out for the gold.

Reach out

reach out for the medal

reach out

reach out for the gold.

Reach out

reach out for the medal

reach out

reach out for the gold.

Reach out

reach out for the medal

reach out

reach out for the gold.

1988汉城奥运会主题曲-Hand In Hand(手拉手)

词:[美] 汤姆·惠特洛克

曲:[意] 吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder)



Hand In Hand

We see the fire in the sky

we feel the beating of our hearts together

this is our time to rise above

we know the chance is here to live forever

For all time

Hand in hand we stand

all across the land

we can make this world a better place in which to live

hand in hand we can

start to understand

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

A li la

Everytime we give it all

We feel the flame eternally inside us

Lifts our hands up to the sky

The morning calm helps us to live in harmony

For all time

Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

Breaking down the walls


词曲:[英]Freddie Mercury

演唱:Freddie Mercury,[西班牙] Montserrat Caballe(卡巴耶)


Barcelona Barcelona

Barcelona Barcelona


I had this perfect dream

-Un sue o me envolvio

This dream was me and you

-Tal vez estas aqui

I want all the world to see

-Un instinto me guiaba

A miracle sensation

My guide and inspiration

Now my dream is slowly coming true

The wind is a gentle breeze

-El me hablo de ti

The bells are ringing out

-El canto vuela

They're calling us together

Guiding us forever

Wish my dream would never go away

Barcelona - It was the first time that we met

Barcelona - How can I forget

The moment that you stepped into the room you took my breath away

Barcelona - La musica vibro

Barcelona - Y ella nos unio

And if God willing we will meet again someday

Let the songs begin

-Dejalo nacer

Let the music play


Make the voices sing

-Nace un gran amor

Start the celebration

-Ven a mi

And cry


Come alive


And shake the foundations from the skies

Ah,Ah,Shaking all our lives

Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon

Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun

Por ti sere giota de tu bella mar

Barcelona - Suenan las campamas

Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo

If God is willing

-If God is willing

If God is willing

Friends until the end

Viva - Barcelona


词曲:黛安·沃伦(Diane Warren),Gloria Estefan

演唱:格罗利娅·伊斯特梵(Gloria Estefan)


Some dreams live on in time forever

Those dreams, you want with all your heart

And I'll do whatever it takes

Follow through with the promise I made

Put it all on the line

What I hoped for at last would be mine

If I could reach, higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be stronger

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach

Some days are meant to be remembered

Those days we rise above the stars

So I'll go the distance this time

Seeing more the higher I climb

That the more I believe

All the more that this dream will be mine

If I could reach, higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be stronger

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach

If I could reach higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be so much stronger yes I am

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach

If I could, If I could

If I could reach

Reach, I'd reach, I'd reach

I'd reach' I'd reach so much higher

Be stronger

2000悉尼奥运会主题曲-The Flame(圣火)

词曲:[澳]约翰·夫曼(John Foreman)

演唱:[澳]蒂娜·艾莲娜(Tina Arena)


Is this the hope of the world in my hands

I'll take this moment, to be all that I can

Look to you to see the future

Stronger and free


Today we will show who we are

We are the earth

and we're together again

My friends, will you show us the way

We trel on, guided by the flame

The fire within makes you reach out to the goal

You redefine the best, by stretching the soul

A world in need of inspiration

And looks to you and me

Repeat chorus

Since ancient times we've come together

in the light of the flame

To stand for all the world to see

people reaching out to greatness

And all we can be

Today we will show who we are

we are the earth

together again

Today you will show who you are

the best on earth,

And you bring the world together again

My friends, you he shown us the way

look to your heart

You will find the flame


词曲、演唱: [冰岛]比约克(Bjork)


One breath away from mother Oceanía

Your nimble feet make prints in my sands

You he done good for yourselves

Since you left my wet embrace

And crawled ashore

Every boy, is a snake is a lily

Every pearl is a lynx, is a girl

Sweet like harmony made into flesh

You dance by my side

Children sublime

You show me continents

I see islands

You count the centuries

I blink my eyes

Hawks and sparrows race in my waters

Stingrays are floating

Across the sky

Little ones, my sons and my daughters

Your sweat is salty

I am why

I am why

I am why

Your sweat is salty

I am why

I am why

I am why


1988年24届汉城奥运会,是由汤姆·怀特洛克(美)作词,吉奥吉·莫洛作曲 (Giorgio Moroder,意大利),Koreana组合演唱。

1988年24届汉城奥运会:共有159个国家和地区的8465名运动员,其中女运动员2186人,男运动员6279人[2] (该项数据来自中国奥委会官方网站,与国际奥委会官方网站记录有出入,国际奥委会为:Athletes 8,391[3] ),参加了25个大项237个单项的比赛。参赛运动员最多的国家和地区是:美国612人、苏联524人和韩国467人。中国奥委会派出299名运动员参赛,居参赛国的第11位。首次参赛的国家和地区有文莱(只有1名官员出席了开幕式)、马尔代夫、美属萨摩亚、圣文森特和格林纳达、阿鲁巴、瓦努阿图、关岛、库克群岛。其规模之大,胜过以往各届。起初,国际奥委会担心因韩国与许多国家没有外交关系而使抵制国家增多,影响奥运会的参加代表团数量。结果,只是朝鲜因提出与汉城合办本届奥运会,并且主办至少一半项目的要求未被允许,而正式宣布抵制汉城奥运会,响应者也寥寥无几。此外加上国际奥委会萨马兰奇的外交协调,说服了许多有抵制意向的国家,都按时赶到汉城。













HanD in HanD


See the fire in the sky

We feel the beating of our hearts together

This is our time to rise above

We know the chance is here to live forever

For all time

Hand in hand we stand

All across the land

We can make this world a better place in which to live

Hand in hand we can

Start to understand

Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

A Li Lang

Everytime we give it all

We feel the flame eternally inside us

Lift our hands up to the sky

The morning calm helps us to live in harmony

For all time

Hand in hand we stand

All across the land

We can make this world a better place in which to live

Hand in hand we can

Start to understand

Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

A Li Lang

Hand in hand we stand

All across the land

We can make this world a better place in which to live

Hand in hand we can

Start to understand

Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

Hand in hand we stand Hand in hand we stand

(Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time )[2]
















《手拉手》(《Hand In Hand》)是由汤姆·怀特洛克(美)作词,吉奥吉·莫洛作曲 (Giorgio Moroder,意大利),Koreana组合演唱,1988年汉城奥运会的主题歌。


正是基于这样的考虑,组委会最终把词曲创作交给了美国词作家汤姆·惠特洛克(Tom Whitlock)以及意大利作曲家吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder),由本国“高丽亚那”组合演唱,销售与制作交给世界知名的宝丽金公司。



《手拉手》不但旋律优美动听,末尾还加入了一声极富朝鲜民族特色的“阿里郎”,堪称文化融合的模范作品。而曾经因为给**《壮志凌云(Top Gun)》创作音乐的莫洛德尔在这之后成了最炙手可热的运动会主题歌创作人,他后来为自己的祖国意大利创作的世界杯主题歌也非常成功。开幕式《手拉手》以其感人的歌词、亲切的旋律迅速风靡全世界,成为成功的奥运会主题曲。


高丽亚那组合。1988年汉城奥运会开幕式的主题曲为《手拉手》(Hand In Hand),由汤姆·惠特洛克(Tom Whitlock,美)作词、乔治奥·莫洛德尔(Giorgio Moroder,意)作曲,韩国音乐组合高丽亚那(Koreana)在开幕式上演唱。



歌名:Hand in Hand 手拉手

词:[美] 汤姆·惠特洛克

曲:[意] 吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder)








see the fire in the sky

we feel the beating of our hearts together

this is our time to rise above

we know the chance is here to live forever

for all time

hand in hand we stand

all across the land

we can make this world a better place in which to live

hand in hand we can

start to undrestand

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

a li la

everytime we give it all

we feel the flame eternally inside us

lift our hands up to the sky

the morning calm helps us to live in harmony

for all time

hand in hand

breaking down the walls between us


see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰

we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动

this our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起

we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里

for all time 永远

hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手

all across the land 穿越五大洲

we can make this world a better place in which to live


hand in hand we can 我们心连心

start to undrestand 开始懂得了

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time


everytime we give it all 每次我们的给予

we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰

lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手

the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽

for all time 永远



由两男两女四位韩国实力派歌星组合而成。在汉城奥运会开幕式上,“Koreana”演唱组带领18000名演员高唱主题歌——《手拉手》(Hand In Hand),将开幕式的气氛推向顶点。这曲《手拉手》由此成为奥运历史上传唱最广的一首主题歌。当时的奥委会萨马兰奇认为它是奥运会会歌里最成功的一首,曾考虑将这首歌定为奥运会的永久会歌。2001年4月Koreana乐队带着一曲《胜利》来到北京,为北京申奥助威。


歌名:Hand in Hand 手拉手

词:[美] 汤姆·惠特洛克

曲:[意] 吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder)



see the fire in the sky

we feel the beating of our hearts together

this is our time to rise above

we know the chance is here to live forever

for all time

hand in hand we stand

all across the land

we can make this world a better place in which to live

hand in hand we can

start to undrestand

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

a li la

everytime we give it all

we feel the flame eternally inside us

lift our hands up to the sky

the morning calm helps us to live in harmony

for all time

hand in hand

breaking down the walls between us


see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰

we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动

this our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起

we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里

for all time 永远

hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手

all across the land 穿越五大洲

we can make this world a better place in which to live


hand in hand we can 我们心连心

start to undrestand 开始懂得了

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time


everytime we give it all 每次我们的给予

we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰

lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手

the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽

for all time 永远