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tamoadmin 2024-06-27
1.2002年世界杯主题曲 翻译成中文2.求世界杯各国主题歌曲!3.2002年世界杯主题曲叫什么啊4.2002年韩日世界杯亚洲区的世界杯主题歌是谁唱的?5.谁知

1.2002年世界杯主题曲 翻译成中文






世界杯主题曲有:《Do you mind if I play》、《Boom》、《Waka Waka》。

《Do you mind if I play》这首世界杯主题曲翻译过来非常的俏皮,意思大概是《我踢球你介意吗》,虽然选择了很是欢快,但是却在法国并没有引发多大反响,甚至很多法国球迷觉得这首歌没有法国该有的人和特征。

而我们国家很多球迷对这样一首世界杯主题曲也并不感冒,觉得这样的一首歌实在是和世界杯无法关系到一起。而另一首《La Copa De La Vida》,翻译过来叫做《生命之杯》的主题曲,倒是比第一首更让人喜欢。


当年的世界杯还有另外一首主题曲,叫做Let's get together now,是一首有着日本气息的歌曲,只是这几首曲子都没有什么传唱效果,都不如那年世界杯上外星人罗纳尔多表现更令球迷们着迷。

《Waka Waka》这首歌想必在这么多世界杯主题曲中,唯有这一首让全世界的人们都能哼唱几句的吧,尤其是配合这首歌那双手合十的动作,更让人们对主题曲喜爱不已。

2002年世界杯主题曲 翻译成中文





style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">求世界杯各国主题歌曲!

2002 World Cup 世界杯主题曲:

Live For Love United

Love united we will up

For all the people of the world


Have you ever dreamed of playing for

The biggest team there is on earth

Have you ever played at dreaming large

The time is now and you are the star




The ball is travelling in your direction

Give it all of your attention

Pick it up and pass it on

That's what's gonna make us strong





We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed





We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world




Have you ever dreamed of flying high

Looking down from heaven with god's eyes

You know we could use some intervention

Children needing your protection

It's not enough to sing this song

Life the cup and it on (没有看懂这个)





We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we've missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

(以上重复都是:“我们将为了团结一致的爱而生存 ”的意思)

I play for love united 我为了团结一致的爱

Juego para love united

Jag spelar f?r love united

Ne ngioka love united

Je joue pour love united (法语)

(以上是各种语言都是:“我为了团结一致的爱 ”的意思)

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world



我们将为了世界上所有的人们而努力”的意思 )

Eu jogo para love united

Je joue pour love united

Ich spiele fur love united

Anka joue pou love united

Anch'io, io gioco per love united

Eu jogo para love united

Se hanna a love united






阿纳斯塔西娅的歌声和形象的差距令人难以置信,靓丽的偶像外型和深沉浑厚的“爵士乐”嗓音给人的视听觉冲击强烈。“风暴”曲调简洁、节奏强劲,流行的曲风给人异域感觉,和“生命之杯” 相比它少了些火般热情,多了份紧迫感强劲的冲击。

阿纳斯塔西娅原名Anastacia Newkirk,1973年9月17日出生于美国芝加哥,父亲是酒店歌手,母亲是纽约百老汇的演员。她14岁时父母离异,随母亲来到纽约,并进入艺术学校。阿纳斯塔西娅1999年参加MTV的新秀选拔赛后加入乐坛。签约Sony之后于2000年发行了个人首张专辑《并非它类》(Not That Kind)获得巨大成功,销量逾200万。2002年发行第二张专辑《自然的怪诞》(Freak of Nature),当前的单曲“Paid My Dues”在全球热播不断。阿纳斯塔西娅的演唱和舞蹈风格以随性自由为特点,金发白肤的抢眼外形之下蕴藏的却是一把“拥有纯粹的黑人灵魂的声线”。去年11月1日,国际足联最终确定阿纳斯塔西娅来演唱2002年韩日世界杯主题歌“风暴”。





“让我们走到一起”(Let's get together now)(2002年世界杯日韩主题歌)



韩国:褐眼男子(Brown Eyes) 、朴正铉(Lena Park))


2002世界杯主题曲--“足球圣歌”(Anthem) 演唱者:范吉利斯(Vangelis) 范吉利斯的配乐以华丽见长,我们最熟悉的是将气氛烘托到极致的“火的战车”。这首主题曲中有两个版本,一首电子乐版本的作品是由芬兰音乐家JS16混音完成,兼具东方色彩和电子乐风情。另一首交响乐版传统、大气,作为专辑的结尾恰倒好处。 范吉利斯:当代最成功的电子乐作曲家、新世纪音乐大师。1943年出生于希腊,从小就显露非同一般的音乐才华,然而他拒绝接受钢琴课,并坚持自学成才。1981年荣获奥斯卡**最佳配乐奖以《火的战车》,从此蜚声国际,**的主题歌甚至进入美国流行榜十大,其后引发了一系列的**音乐创作。1992年,范吉利斯获颁法国最富盛誉的艺术文学骑士勋章。他的最新作品是为美国宇航局的“2001火星奥德赛”任务创作的主题音乐“Mythodea”。 2002年日韩世界杯主题歌--“风暴”(Boom) 演唱者:阿纳斯塔西娅(Anastacia) 阿纳斯塔西娅的歌声和形象的差距令人难以置信,靓丽的偶像外型和深沉浑厚的“爵士乐”嗓音给人的视听觉冲击强烈。“风暴”曲调简洁、节奏强劲,流行的曲风给人异域感觉,和“生命之杯” 相比它少了些火般热情,多了份紧迫感强劲的冲击。



2002日本韩国世界杯 2002年世界杯音乐的选择早早已经确定。“风暴”担纲全球主题曲,日韩新锐歌手组成“日韩之声”演唱组共同演绎日韩版主题曲“让我们走到一起”,另一首官方主题曲——纯音乐的“足球圣歌”以电子音乐风格,为新世纪世界杯进行时尚代言。同时,索尼音乐再次负责发行《2002年世界杯官方专辑》。 “风暴”(Boom)(2002年日韩世界杯主题歌) 演唱者:阿纳斯塔西娅(Anastacia)

Live For Love United

歌手:群星 专辑:2002 World Cup

Live For Love United

Love united we will up

For all the people of the world

Have you ever dreamed of playing for

The biggest team there is on earth

Have you ever played at dreaming large

The time is now and you are the star

The ball is travelling in your direction

Give it all of your attention

Pick it up and pass it on

That's what's gonna make us strong

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

Have you ever dreamed of flying high

Looking down from heaven with god's eyes

You know we could use some intervention

Children needing your protection

It's not enough to sing this song

Live the cup and pass it on

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we've missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

I play for love united

Juego para love united

Jag spelar far love united

Ne ngioka love united

Je joue pour love united

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

Eu jogo para love united

Je joue pour love united

Ich spiele fur love united

Anka joue pou love united

Anch'io, io gioco per love united

Eu jogo para love united

Se hanna a love united

Live For Love United 打印此页

歌手:群星 专辑:2002 World Cup

Live For Love United

Love united we will up

For all the people of the world

Have you ever dreamed of playing for

The biggest team there is on earth

Have you ever played at dreaming large

The time is now and you are the star

The ball is travelling in your direction

Give it all of your attention

Pick it up and pass it on

That's what's gonna make us strong

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

Have you ever dreamed of flying high

Looking down from heaven with god's eyes

You know we could use some intervention

Children needing your protection

It's not enough to sing this song

Live the cup and pass it on

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we've missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

I play for love united

Juego para love united

Jag spelar far love united

Ne ngioka love united

Je joue pour love united

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

Eu jogo para love united

Je joue pour love united

Ich spiele fur love united

Anka joue pou love united

Anch'io, io gioco per love united

Eu jogo para love united

Se hanna a love united
